What is an Employee Share Plan Return?All employee share schemes need to be registered with HMRC. An employee share plan return is the annual process of notifying HMRC of awards granted, lapsed & exercised and confirming if any alterations have been made to key feature...

If you run a private company, or your company isn’t listed on the main market, you are probably blissfully happy that you don’t have to “comply or explain” in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code. The latest version produced by the Financial Reporting Council...

From time to time, we get requests from companies who’ve established, or started to establish, a share plan for employees, only to get stuck on the nitty gritty of making the awards, or managing the scheme afterwards. Employee share plans can range in complexity but whatever...

Last year we made some predictions about share plans which, looking back, were on the whole pretty accurate. The number of Employee Ownership transactions in 2019 more than doubled from the 2018 level and is increasingly becoming a “must-consider” option for owner managers looking for...

The year in review:   Another great year for employee ownership as Employee Ownership Trusts started moving into the mainstream. For RM2, our biggest news was that we joined the increasing number of companies that are owned by their employees! January: January is trusts and estates tax returns...

Last week we wrote about the Labour Party’s planned changes for capital gains tax and the potential impact on employee share schemes. Caveat – this blog is not intended to be a political broadcast on behalf of any particular party – it’s simply that Labour’s...

Despite the unfortunate connotations with the “John Major” political era, as Parliament has been dissolved, we felt it was a good time to go “back to basics”, and explore the fundamental benefits, potential pitfalls, and overall reasoning behind establishing an employee share scheme.What is an...

When you’re setting up a share scheme for employees, one of the first questions you’ll want to ask is whether you should offer direct shares or share options. What are the key differences between shares and options? A quick summary is set out below: A Share gives...

Background RM2 is an employee owned consultancy specialising in the design, implementation and administration of all types of employee share plan arrangements. Our clients include private companies and those listed on AIM or similar markets. Form more information please visit our website at www.rm2.co.uk. We...

The directors and staff of RM2 are delighted to report that, following a full quality audit, we have retained our ISO 9001:2015 accreditation in quality management and system processes. ISO 9001:2015 is the leading internationally recognised quality standard for business management. Continually meeting the demanding requirements of...

Our operations team at RM2 can put its collective feet up – all 150 returns have been filed in good time for our clients’ share plans. If you’ve not filed your returns yet for the 2018/19 tax year, you have until 6th July 2019. If you...

Taxation of share options In 2003, employment related shares and share options were made subject to wide sweeping reforms, specifically introduced to address tax avoidance. One such change was the introduction of a law that stated where an option to acquire shares is made available by...

The recent case of Nosworthy v Instinctif Partners Ltd (2019) UKEAT/0100/18 is not strictly speaking a case regarding employee share schemes but a couple of the themes are pertinent to our arena, particularly where employees have acquired shares following the exercise of share options, or...

On the occasion of its 25th birthday, RM2, the market leading employee share schemes and EOT consulting business, is converting to full employee ownership as the present owners transfer their entire shareholding to an Employee Ownership Trust. Since 1994, RM2 has helped private companies set up...

Approaching the end of the tax year in the world of share plans is a bit like Christmas, there are 2 types of shopper, those who buy their presents in good time, and those who rush out on Christmas Eve. RM2 are definatley in the former...