If you’re new to share plans, you’re probably going to be coming up against some pretty horrible jargon.  Here’s a quick and dirty guide to some of the terms you’ll come across at the outset of your employee share plan journey – what they mean and...

Selling your business to an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) doesn’t necessarily mean that the commercial operation of the business will change significantly after transition.  Of course, the company will still need to operate profitably, particularly if you’re still going to be paid out of post-tax...

RM2 is delighted to welcome Seb Salt as our newest Senior Consultant.  Seb joins our Employee Share Schemes team, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge gained at Deloitte and Wright Hassall. John Dormer, Share Incentives Director commented: “I’m very much looking forward to working with...

RM2 is delighted to welcome John Dormer as our new Share Incentives Director.  John will head up our share schemes team, with Sarah Anderson stepping back as director as John takes up the reins! John brings with him many years of share plans experience, most recently...

HMRC announced that its Trust Registration Service (TRS) was open for non-taxable trust registrations with effect from 1 September 2021. Historically, it may not have been necessary to register an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) using the TRS if it was not subject to a tax liability....

Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) can be a useful part of employee share ownership plans, particularly for privately held companies.  If you’re considering an EBT as part of your employee share scheme, it’s a good idea to understand how they work, what they can be used...

There are many good reasons why Employee Ownership, in its various forms, is an increasingly popular business model in the UK. When employees share in the ownership of a business, their interests are aligned with those of shareholders.  This means that employees are more likely...

We are excited about the potential for Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT). We’ve completed 40 so far covering 5,700 employees and with an aggregate value of £500 million and we have many more in the pipeline. Despite the economic challenges posed by Covid-19, we...

What makes a successful employee share plan? These are testing times for all of us, so perhaps it’s a good time to share some positivity - the story of one of our clients whose employee share plan arrangements achieved a number of successful outcomes. A private company...

RM2 – COVID-19 Update It’s clear to all of us by now that these are unprecedented times. They are confusing and are shaping some businesses in a way that has never been seen before. At RM2 we are working from home and the office...

Finally, HM Revenue & Customs have decided to try to turn Entrepreneurs’ relief into a “bad” relief. Finance Bill 2020 potentially changes the name of the relief from "entrepreneurs' relief" to "business asset disposal relief" with effect from the tax year 2020-21 (i.e. 5 April 2020)....

In view of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis, please see below some practical tips and guidance for trustees of businesses owned by employee ownership trusts (EOT). Trustee duties With the expected economic chaos arising from the Coronavirus crisis it is important to recap the duties and responsibilities of...

RM2 is open for business, although we are following the guidance issued by Public Health England, which can be found using the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavi...

Entrepreneurs Relief (“ER”) and Enterprise Management Incentives Clearly, the Treasury have finally had enough of the fact that ER primarily benefited a small number of very affluent taxpayers and, according to the government, has done little to generate additional entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly, they have slashed the...

Members of the Employee Ownership Association recently attended an inspiring talk by Naomi Climer CBE, Co-Chair of the Institute for the Future of Work (IFoW) at the annual Robert Oakeshott lecture, hosted by Cass Business School.Naomi’s lecture looked at the impact of automation and AI...