Why us?

We have the most experienced team of advisers dedicated to private company employee share schemes and employee ownership transactions in the UK. 

We understand that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to share plans will rarely meet a client’s objectives and we work in partnership with you every step of the way.

Our team has been involved in the design of Share Incentive Plans (“SIP”) and Enterprise Management Incentives (“EMI”) legislation (and other government sponsored employee share plans) and in commenting on guidance, policy and market practice relating to employee share ownership.

We are true specialists covering every aspect of share scheme advice including tax, company law, trust law, accounting, tax valuations and we offer full trustee and administration services as well. Being true specialists we can easily work alongside your existing advisers.

We are a market leader in assisting business owners sell their company to their employees using Employee Ownership Trusts (“EOT”) and were one of the first to take advantage of the new legislation and offer the use of the EOT to our clients.  We live & breath employee ownership, being employee owned ourselves.

Our clients are found in all industry sectors and include both public and private companies together with subsidiaries of UK and overseas listed companies.

We are members of the Employee Ownership Association, ProShare and the ESOP Centre and our experts are often called upon to speak at conferences and seminars and we have been recognised by industry bodies for the quality of our work, winning numerous awards and we hold ISO 9001:2015 certification so you can be certain our processes are robust.


Our history?

RM2 was formed in 1991 by Roy MacKenzie as a remuneration management consultancy (hence “RM2”), specialising in profit-related pay, a government-backed scheme to encourage companies to include employees in profit sharing schemes.

In the late 1990s, the two successor owners, Geoffrey Bond and Colin Paterson moved the business into employee share schemes. Colin and Geoff retired in 2011.

In April 2019 RM2 became an employee owned business using the Employee Ownership Trust model.

In the last 28 years, RM2 has helped more than 1,500 clients design and install employee share schemes for UK companies of all shapes and sizes, with many great success stories. As a result, we’re often called upon to provide expert comment or to contribute to policy development by successive governments.

In 2015, we extended our services to help business owners realise value and benefit employees by selling to an Employee Ownership Trust.

The Team

We have more years’ experience in advising private company employee share schemes and employee ownership trusts than any other team in the UK.

Sarah Anderson

Business Development Manager

Richard Cowley

EOT Director

Rosa Burnley

EOT Administrator

Jonathan Crookham

Senior Consultant

Amber Clifton

Senior Share Scheme Administrator

Rachel Doex

Project Manager

John Bezzant

Corporate Finance Director

John Dormer

Share Incentives Director

Stuart Hale

Senior Consultant

Mary Kelly

Office Manager

Gillian Mitchell

Assistant Operations Manager

Caroline Parker

Operations Manager

Seb Salt

Senior Consultant

Toni Smartt

Financial Analyst

Jeremy Glover
